Want to become a better writer? This creative writing class by the renowned instructor provides exclusive techniques on how to write.
Do you think your expertise can help others? Have you toyed with the idea of writing? Then this writing class is for you.
Whether your goal is to promote your business, build your personal brand, or support a cause, writing good content does a lot.
Nonfiction is defined as “a story that is based on true events and information.” All of the information in a work of nonfiction should be verifiable if possible.
An easy way to remember this is with alliteration in the phrase “nonfiction is newsworthy.” In other words; anything presented in the news is supposed to be as factual as possible.
Creative nonfiction is a genre of nonfiction writing that incorporates different creative writing techniques; and literary styles to convey truthful, non-fictional narratives. This sort of writing tends to emphasize story and tone over more traditional subgenres of nonfiction. In this form of writing, writers often approach their subject matter through a more emotional lens than other nonfiction writers like journalists or academic writers.
Today, the line between fiction and nonfiction is much thinner than it was historically. Nonfiction writers try to make their information more interesting by using creativity in how they write the truth.
Keen on trying? Let’s get you started, sign up for the class now – SIGN UP NOW!