Learn to play piano online from the best instructor in Singapore. Learn on your own time at your own pace. Start today!

Xplrme Singapore is proud to offer one of the best online piano classes in Singapore. We cater to people of all ages from beginners to children to adults and of different levels.

Our instructor’s unique & systematically designed class will suit the needs of our students so they learn exactly what they want to.

Ours learn-to-play piano classes are fun, and artistically stimulating that will allow our students to shine at their own pace. We are also proud to have the best piano teachers in Singapore, that will help our students foster their dreams. Our qualified instructor takes the student through their journey with interesting stories.

There is an evident connection between the mind, body, and the therapeutic effects of music. The piano specifically has been a long source of remedy for those seeking escape and a form of expression. The piano has also been proven beneficial to one’s physical, emotional, intellectual, and social well-being to people of all ages.

Music is a language and learning the vocabulary is the beginning, not the grammar. The session starts with simple notes, playing by ear, then introduced to reading & basic theory through quizzes & stories of great musicians.

The aim is not to just play, but to love music in whatever way through the Piano. Students aiming for exams will be assessed every session with a monthly report.


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