Phonics stories are designed for young struggling readers. They help children learn. Join our class – Learn Phonetics With Fun Stories!

Make Learning to Read Easy and Fun!

If you have a child in their first year of primary school, there is a good chance you will have come across the word Phonics. Phonics is a method of learning to read words that are taught from the start of Reception.

This interactive session will help students:
The Method Behind Phonics Stories

Oftentimes, reading specialists place theory at the forefront of their teaching approach. Consequently, they end up utilizing methods and techniques that are ineffective. The approach our instructor followed is the other way around. The instructor sticks to techniques that are backed by sound research and supported by positive results. The overall philosophy for helping struggling readers is actually quite simple. In essence, the tutor helps them master the fundamental building blocks of learning to read. Once they have a good grasp of the basics, reading fluency comes about naturally. The tutor will concentrate on sounds, their pronunciation, and the concepts behind using the letter for the sound in order to lay the groundwork for reading. The stories focus on phonetic sound. If this sounds like this for you, then join our class – Learn Phonetics With Fun Stories!


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