Xplrme Singapore brings this exclusive workshop for women in Singapore and around the world. This session is about educating the management of mental health during the Pre-Menopausal period. Through yogic exercises, breathing, meditation, and mindfulness practices. Changes in your hormones during menopause can impact your mental health as well as your physical health. Join our class if you are going through something like this – Managing Mental Health During PeriMenopause.

Unlike the regular yoga practice, this Yoga workshop focus on benefiting your overall symptoms related to Perimenopause, such as Hot flashes, anxiety, depression, irritability, mood swings, trauma, lack of sleep, and more.
Specifically designed Yoga Practices like Yin yoga stretches and restorative yoga facilitate the body and mind deep relaxation.

This yoga practice necessitates holding poses for extended periods and assisting with props like pillows or folded blankets. This kind of deep relaxation practice support during Menstrual pain improves your disturbed sleep, regulates the hormonal imbalance, and aids in Hot Flashes; in addition, Mindfulness Yogic breathing help Combat Emotional distress work on the stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system. Women need to get educated on handling the transition period combating emotional and hormonal imbalance, and improving their quality of life. This unique workshop- Managing Mental Health During Pre-Menopause comes as a handy guide to physical and emotional well-being.


Xplrme Singapore brings this exclusive workshop for women in Singapore and around the world. This session is about educating the management of mental health during the Pre-Menopausal period. Through yogic exercises, breathing, meditation, and mindfulness practices. Changes in your hormones during menopause can impact your mental health as well as your physical health. Join our class if you are going through something like this – Managing Mental Health During Pre-Menopause.

Unlike the regular yoga practice, this Yoga workshop focus on benefiting your overall symptoms related to Perimenopause, such as Hot flashes, anxiety, depression, irritability, mood swings, trauma, lack of sleep, and more.
Specifically designed Yoga Practices like Yin yoga stretches and restorative yoga facilitate the body and mind deep relaxation.

This yoga practice necessitates holding poses for extended periods and assisting with props like pillows or folded blankets. This kind of deep relaxation practice support during Menstrual pain improves your disturbed sleep, regulates the hormonal imbalance, and aids in Hot Flashes; in addition, Mindfulness Yogic breathing help Combat Emotional distress work on the stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system. Women need to get educated on handling the transition period combating emotional and hormonal imbalance, and improving their quality of life. This unique workshop- Managing Mental Health During Pre-Menopause comes as a handy guide to physical and emotional well-being.


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