Did you know that the skin is the largest external organ in the human body? It is also the fastest-growing organ. Ayurveda offers a safe and long-lasting solution to anti-aging and skincare, opening new realms of beauty, health, and wellness. It is the ancient medical science from India which covers all aspects of life including beauty.  Ayurveda believes that beauty is not just skin deep but comes from within too. To know more about it, sign up for our upcoming workshop – Learn Anti-Ageing Ayurvedic Facial! When it comes to beauty, especially skin and hair care, most people seem to face a paradox. While they do trust science-backed clinical formulations more than natural remedies, the former also brings the fear of using too many chemicals. With the latter, however, there’s the confusion of do they or don’t work. Ayurveda offers a treasure in skincare and anti-ageing herbs and treatments. It has several anti-ageing formulations which are natural. These treatments have multiple benefits such as antioxidant cellular protection. A 5 days workshop, 1-hour session each day, covering theoretical and practical aspects.

There are Facial Beauty therapies for all types of skin and skin complaints. Identifying the skin type in Ayurvedic terms is essential, using Ayurvedic Facial Massage and the appropriate Ayurvedic herbal cosmetics can be used in conjunction for men and women of all ages. The therapies covered include all skin types, including Anti-ageing Facial. Learn a method of identifying the skin type and Ayurvedic Facial Massage to make the experience of Facials uniquely different and beneficial for both beauty and health.

For a long time, Ayurvedic remedies have been used to brighten eyes, clear the skin and strengthen hair. Anti-aging Ayurvedic treatments are very popular and are aimed at looking and feeling younger and leading long and rejuvenated life.

Moreover, join us for this transforming experience, learning this anti-aging facial step by step combined with natural beauty products, will allow you to provide enjoyable skin treatments and your clients will feel relaxed, and pampered and their skin will feel simply amazing after this facial.

Who this workshop is for:

Estheticians, facial specialists, cosmetologists, beauty therapists, facialists, spa.

SIGN UP for our workshop (Learn Anti-Ageing Ayurvedic Facial) to know more about it!
P.S. – The preparation demonstrated during the workshop for anti-ageing facial would be available for order. To place an order, please contact XPLRME Admin at (+65)96397145.


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