One of the best ways to build your skills is to practice. Here are some effective ways in developing reading skills! Enroll Now!
Developing reading comprehension skills is incredibly important for early readers, starting as early as picture books. As school-aged children get older, it will help them understand textbooks, newspapers, and other more complex texts.
Xplrme Singapore brings to you at the comfort of your home an online class with the best tutor in town that can help your child practice.
In addition, here are a few tips to sharpen reading comprehension skills in your early reader.
-Have them read aloud
This encourages them to go slower, which gives them more time to process what they read and in turn improves reading comprehension. Plus, they’re not only seeing the words — they’re hearing them, too! You can also take turns reading aloud.
-Provide books at the right level
Make sure your school-aged reader gets lots of practice reading books that aren’t too hard. They should recognize at least 90 percent of the words without any help. Stopping any more often than that to figure out a word makes it tough for kids to focus on the overall meaning of the story.
-Reread to build fluency
To gain meaning from text and encourage reading comprehension, your child needs to read quickly and smoothly — a skill known as fluency.
-Talk about what they’re reading
This “verbal processing” helps them remember and think through the themes of the book.
This online class helps you to learn Speed Reading at your own pace.