Would you like to learn how to use herbs that heal your health and support your immune system? Join us for this online workshop.

Learn how to use plants and herbal remedies to improve your health and wellbeing in this highly practical 5 day online workshop. Learn how to identify and use medicinal herbs growing in our gardens and the wider countryside to detoxify and revitalize the body. You will discover how to use all your senses to forage for and identify plants around and learn how to dry herbs to make teas, make your own alcohol and glycerol-based tinctures, infused oils and salves. Our expert will also teach you knowledge of the body’s anatomy and physiology. You will have the beginnings of your own medicine chest to share with family and friends and a deepened pool of resources and resilience to face life’s challenges.


– Ability to identify and dry a range of medicinal herbs, flowers, and leaves.
– Have knowledge of the various properties of medicinal herbs.
– Experience in making tinctures, infused oils, and salves to start your own medicine chest.
– Your very own herbal tinctures, oils, and salves from the herbs you have gathered.

5 days workshop, 1-hour session each day.

Helps us to use items available in our kitchen and home for the maintenance of health and simple ailments. Beneficial for all as it helps us enhance our immunity and heal through natural means.

REGISTER NOW for this online session -Herbs That Heal!

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